Portfolio Management Group
2120 E Dublin Granville Rd
Columbus, OH 43231
United States
ph: 800.489.9144
fax: 614.388.9421
alt: 614-360-1812
Portfolio Management Group is a comprehensive service provider and consulting company in the debt purchasing arena. Since 2003 our company has provided quality services in regards to debt buying. Our ideas, procedures and concepts can be customized to fit any company's needs or model in the debt purchasing industry. Although debt buying can be viewed as a universal practice our company will diversify the concept to fit investor's, collection's and legal models alike.
Our business model and in-depth expertise enables our company to provide new, differentiated, and innovative solution services to anyone in debt purchasing industry. Our processes allow us the opportunities to enhance and support our client's goals by developing and sharing relationships that will benefit our clients. Our professionals have come to be known as some of the industry's most skilled and proficient in their areas of service.
Our company offers a wide range of services. It is not uncommon for newcomers and seasoned veterans to seek out our company for guidance. We are strategically positioned to provide:
Well respected for our commitment to quality services, our company has grown to become one of the leading providers of debt industry solutions. Our vast industry experiences allow our organization to network, consult, develop, administer and integrate solutions customized to fit our clients and thier needs.
Our company's goals and objectives are simple. We want to apply our vast industry experiences, knowledge, skills and abilities to provide investors and clients the platform to achieve their desired results and expectations.
We have credit card portfolios available. Please click on the link to the portfolios to see a brief breakdown of the files. More can be found on the AVAILABLE PORTFOLIOS webpage. You can also email us at sales@pmg-solution.com for information.
Portfolio Management Group
2120 E Dublin Granville Rd
Columbus, OH 43231
United States
ph: 800.489.9144
fax: 614.388.9421
alt: 614-360-1812